Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Two Seeking Alpha Articles On Gold, Both Bullish

And one of them is pretty wild. The soberer one, focusing on silver but also mentioning gold, points to the debt crisis and the transference of debt from private sector to public. The other, much longer piece has the same themes but laces in a few conspiracy (or cabal) theories to make the point.

In so doing, it inadvertently points to the use-value of one of the standard goldbug tropes. Back in the 1960s, the London Gold Pool did try to prevent the gold price from rising. They were charged with doing so because the Bretton Woods system still depended upon the U.S. dollar being redeemable for gold (by foreign central banks) at US$35/oz.

The conspiracy theories involving the "Crimex" [COMEX], not to mention cabals of governments and/or government-connected financial institutions holding the price down, are a carry-over from the London Gold Pool days.

Talking points with the most reach, particularly in politics, make claims that were true - or, at least, were far truer then than now.

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