Friday, March 19, 2010

PRC Government Pushing Gold In A Big Way

According to an article at Paul Fraser Collectibles, there's currently an infomercial and publicity blitz to inform the mainland Chinese about investing in gold and silver and to encourage them to do so. Availability has increased dramatically: every bank now offers bullion over the counter. It still takes some money to play, as the bars are being offered in 500g, 1kg, 2kg and 5 kg weights; less affluent Chinese will have to content themselves with silver, or nothing.
"Simply put, the Chinese government is trying to trigger a national gold craze - and it's working. The Chinese public now has gold trading platforms on steroids," said Paul Atherley, managing director of the gold mining company Leyshon Resources, in a statement.
This item is one that's sure to capture the imagination of a gold bull. There's an old tale, perhaps acryphocal, about Britons a century ago salivating over the riches that could be garnered if every Chinaman bought a wool garment. This item might fuel similar hopes for gold.

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